Headache and Migraine Clinic
Feel good again....Bodyworks Physiotherapy

Headache & Migraine Clinic
Our headache and migraine clinic is run by Principle Physiotherapist Mark Turner who is one of the few certified Watson Headache® Approach practitioners in Australia. Mark’s passion for treating migraines started when he met his wife Julieann who had suffered with debilitating migraines all her life.

Headache & Migraine Clinic
Mark tried everything he knew to help her migraines and took Julieann to a physiotherapist regarded as a world authority on cervicongenic headaches, a neurologist, acupuncturist, massage therapists and allergy experts. Nothing seemed to make a significant difference. By chance Mark worked at a physiotherapy clinic in London years before with a physiotherapist who had spent time with Dean Watson at the Watson Headache Institute. She told him of Dean’s ground breaking work with migraines, so when Mark saw that Dean was running a course in Brisbane he decided to go and take Julieann as a case presentation. Everything Dean presented on the course made sense so Mark tried the Watson Approach with Julieann and over the next 2 months Julieann reported an 80% improvement in her symptoms. Mark was amazed at this result and has since sent Bodyworks physiotherapists Joanne Rogers, Katrina Caniglia and Joshua Lynam on the Level 1 Foundation Headache course at the Watson Headache Institute in Sydney. Mark has gone on to complete the Level 2 and Level 3 courses at the Watson Headache Institute and is now a Watson Headache® Approach certified practitioner. Using the Watson Headache approach Mark and his team have been able to help patients with all sorts of headaches including tension headaches, cervicogenic headaches, cluster headaches, sinus headaches, chronic daily headaches, orgasmic headaches, vestibular migraines and hormonal migraines. Our whole team find treating headaches and migraines incredibly satisfying. It is a life changing experience for people to be able to live without headaches/migraines. Our patents are extremely grateful for our help and we probably have more people threatening to hug us, actually hugging us and sending us Christmas cards from our headache patients group then from any other group of patients at our clinic.
Feel good again....

How Does It Work
Research has shown that people suffering recurring headaches and migraines have a sensitised part of their brainstem called the trigemino-cervical nucleus (TCN). It is believed that this sensitisation is the result of ongoing noxious impulses coming from the top three spinal segments of the neck when there is dysfunction in this area. In recent ground breaking research the Watson Headache® Approach was shown to de-sensitise the sensitised brainstem. This means that those of us who use the Watson Headache® Approach are now able to treat the underlying disorder in headaches and migraines. Once we correct what is causing the headaches, the headaches stop. This approach is the only cervical manual therapy approach which has been shown scientifically to reduce the migraine state.

What to expect
Assessment: At your initial consultation we will take the time to get a detailed history of your condition. We want to know as much as we can about your headaches as this information will often indicate which vertebral segment or segments are involved. It will also tell us if there are any red flags that would prompt further investigation before we treat you. Information about your headaches such as the intensity, duration, frequency, response to medication and any triggers are helpful reassessment points. You will be able to see if our treatment is helping you because your headaches may become less frequent or less severe or not last as long or respond better to the mediation you take. If things such as wine or chocolate normally trigger a headache you may find that you can have a glass of wine or eat chocolate and remain headache free. Once you have told us about your headaches we will assess your neck. We will initially perform some simple tests to check your vertebral artery and the integrity of the ligaments at the top of your spine. We will then palpate your spine to see where your vertebrae are sitting and whether the second cervical vertebrae is rotated or not. We will push on your vertebrae to see if there is any resistance to movement and whether this pressure temporarily reproduces your headache symptoms. Reproduction of your headache symptoms will tell us not only that your neck is involved in your headaches or migraines but importantly which spinal segment or segments are involved. This is the most powerful feature of the Watson Headache® Approach as it greatly increases the chances of a successful outcome and takes all the guess work out of treating headaches and migraines. The Watson Headache® Approach is recognized internationally for its unparalleled diagnostic accuracy and is unequalled in manual therapy approach for headache and migraine conditions. Treatment: Once we have identified which spinal segments are involved we then use gentle, sustained techniques directed at these segments to correct any rotation and stiffness. There is no cracking of the neck and it is very unusual for the patient to report any increase in their symptoms following treatment. Patients are also given advice on posture and exercises. To improve the chances of a successful outcome we encourage patients to attend for treatment twice a week for the first two weeks. With the Watson Headache® Approach we expect to see a significant improvement in the patient’s symptoms after these initial 2 weeks. If the patient does not feel there has been a significant improvement in their symptoms we will discontinue treatment and refer them on to the appropriate specialist. If you would like to know more about our headache and migraine clinic or wish to talk to one of the therapists.
Contact Bodyworks Physiotherapy
Call Us (07) 3204 6388
1518 Anzac Ave Kallangur, QLD 4503

Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 8 - 7 pm
Sat 8- 12 pm